Durian Swiss Roll Cake Recipe
The Swiss roll cake is one fluff of happiness that has survived the test of time.
It is tasty on it’s own, but usually stuffed with a desired filling after baked to create the flavour that the baker wants.
Unlike other types of pastry desserts that require industrial equipment such as a heavy duty oven, making Swiss rolls can actually be done with the typical household oven with a basic baking function.
Here’s how to make your own durian Swiss roll cake.
Batter Ingredients:
- 110g fine wheat flour
- 90g caster sugar
- 2 tablespoons durian flavour
- 5 eggs
- 1 table spoon ovalette
- 70ml corn oil
Cream ingredients:
- 200g durian flesh filling
- 100g fresh cream
- 1 teaspoon durian flavour
Step by step instructions for recipe
Making the batter
Combine and mix the batter ingredients without the wheat flour, ovalette and corn oil. Beat the mixture until it has noticeably turned into fluff and bubbles form on the surface.
Alternatively, if you want to create a more refine Swiss roll, you can separate this process into 2 steps by making an egg yolk batter and egg white batter. Then mix them after they are prepared.
An egg yolk batter would be 55g caster sugar, 1 tablespoon durian flavour and 5 egg yolks.
The egg white batter would be 45g caster sugar, 1 tablespoon durian flavour and 5 egg whites.
Once the 2 batters are ready, mix them slowly little by little while adding the wheat flour and ovalette. Split the adding of the flour and ovalette into at least 3 separate additions.
If you have taken the first option, which is mixing everything at once, then it’s also time to add the flour and ovalette slowly. Little by little while mixing it. Split the adding of the flour and ovalette into at least 3 separate additions.
When this process is complete, pour the corn oil slowing into the mixture while simultaneously stirring it. What you want to eventually see is a smooth creamy texture forming on the batter.
Using the oven
Preheat the oven at 180°. Use an appropriate tray size depending on the size of the Swiss roll you have in mind. A lot depends on the actual size of your oven.
The baking tray/pan is best aided by baking paper, while the baking pan should be lightly greased to prevent sticking.
Pour the desired batter onto the baking tray and bake at 180° for 20 minutes. Or until you feel that it’s done.
To test whether your cake is ready, you can gently press it so see if it springs back into shape. You can also insert a long pointed object like a toothpick into the center of the cake, and pull it out to see if it is dry.
Once done, carefully remove the baking tray and extract the cake by flipping it onto a cool serving tray with baking paper on top in 1 fast move. To be clear, this means that the cake would be inverted from the baking position.
Allow the cake to cool.
Durian cream
This step could be done while waiting for the cake to bake. You’d probably do it during this time by instinct.
Beat the fresh cream until it gets thick. Add the durian flesh filling and flavour, then mix them well.
While musang king works well, you can use other types of cultivars like red prawn or D24 depending on your taste preferences. Or whether you like your durians sweeter or more bitter.
Take note that bakeries usually durian puree for their cakes due to the lower costs compared to durian flesh. Puree also creates a more refined look in terms of presentation.
You decide for yourself what you want to use.
Rolling up the cake
Now that the cake is cooled and the durian filling ready, spread the latter onto the flat cake evenly while leaving about a 1cm gap at the edge of the cake. This is because the filling would spread itself into these areas when rolled up.
Use the baking paper that the cake is sitting on to roll up the cake.
Then put it in the fridge for at least 1 hour before attempting to slice it.
As with all baking recipes, remember that every individual have his or her own taste preferences. Since you have total control over a Swiss roll you make, you can fine tune it to your desires.
So slowly make changes to the ingredients to your own liking