9 Foods To Avoid Eating With Durians
Eating good food is one of the pleasures of life.
Some people hate going to spas, some think that meditating are for dummies, some even have a phobia with being loved.
But good food? No one can say that they don’t enjoy good food.
So it’s only natural that when we are feasting on durians, we’d be tempted to double up that happiness with other snacks and dishes that we love. Or mix it with other lovely goodness to craft tasty desserts.
But before acting on that thought, do be mindful that the king of fruits can display totalitarian tendencies when it comes to mingling with other foodstuff.
Getting sick from consuming your favorite foods is an ironic event you don’t want to experience.
Here are some foods to avoid eating with, or after eating durian.
1) Alcohol
Many durian lovers instinctively feel that this is a bad combination to begin with.
While it cannot be said that durians are unhealthy, both alcoholic beverages and durians are often acknowledged as sinful food.
Durian is well-known in TCM to be a heaty food. And alcohol is understood to raise the body temperature of the consumer.
The teaming up of both can send shockwaves towards your cardiovascular system. Doctors have also caution against it for potential heartburn and bloating.
With the high mixture of carbohydrates, calories and fiber, it can cause serious problems or even be fatal for those with diabetes.
So leave aside that bottle of wine, Gin, beer, and any other alcohol drinks for another day.
You can try a durian with alcohol taste instead like jinfeng or capri.
2) Coffee
We don’t need to be reminded of how overdosing on coffee can be bad for the human body.
So frequent are we reminded of the adverse effect in caffeine by mass media that we simply don’t bother giving such news any attention anymore.
The fact is that people drink coffee by the bucketloads each day without suffering from any serious health issues.
I can personally understand why people would have both coffee and musang kings together. I do it too.
But there are various reports circulating online about how one can suffer from heart issues and problems with the blood vessels when the two becomes a duo at the feeding table.
Research has also shown that durians disrupt caffeine decomposition. Maybe have a durian with a slight coffee taste instead with D17.
3) Milk
If you have milk after eating durians and has to detox soon after by taking a crap, the culprit of that stomach upset might not be the lactose.
There are old-wives-tales going around that this is a blend that can be fatal due to an explosion to blood pressure.
But there is no science or pseudoscience to this.
Just thought that it should be included in this list since it’s such a widespread nugget of wisdom.
This implies that durian milkshakes and ice-creams are a no-no.
Want to have this combination anyway? Try susu instead.
4) Crabs
The logic behind the danger of this food combination is that crabs are cooling while durians are heating foods.
Having both at the same time is akin to pouring cold water on a smouldering red hot metal rod.
Even though the sizzling sound can remind us of delicious teppanyaki, it’s not really ideal for the source of that oddly satisfying sound to come from your stomach.
There’s even a Youtuber who claims that if you feed crabs durian flesh, the creature would cook itself and turn red. There would be no need to cook the crustacean anymore.
I’m sure that is true since it comes from the internet.
5) Mutton
Conversely, instead of adding cool to heat like crabs to durian, you can also get into trouble by adding heat to heat.
Mutton is infamous for being a heaty food.
Some people with weak immunity can even get a fever the next day after having kambing soup.
So the potential health hazard of mutton alone is not something to be sniffed at.
Add another super heaty food in the form of durians into the mix and you could be igniting a nuclear bomb right inside your intestines.
If you are brave enough to take on this food combination, be fully prepared to have your ass burning red-hot after defecating the next day.
If you are lucky, you might even get to experience it just hours after eating mutton with durians.
To a lesser extent, beef is another red meat that can arouse this condition.
6) Brinjal
Whether you call this vegetable brinjal or eggplant is immaterial.
It is another very heaty food that should not be eaten with durians.
I’ve actually seen cut-up brinjal being barbecued with durian flesh on top. I didn’t suffer any side effects and they taste amusingly refreshing!
Maybe the serving size has something to do with that.
7) Mangosteen
The mangosteen is a fruit that divides opinion when it comes to having it with durians.
A TCM store might tell you that mangosteens are very cooling fruits that should not be consumed with durians like the case with crabs. If you walk out and walk in again and ask another salesperson, you might be told that you need to cool down after eating durians, and mangosteens can achieve that task.
Yes, it is that polarizing!
Maybe it depends on whether they sell any mangosteen related products.
But the modern view of this combination is that both foods are cellulose-rich. Which means that they can absorb water like a sponge and clog up your intestines… creating a constipation emergency.
8) Longan
While longan is bite-sized and feel cold in the mouth, it is actually another VERY heaty food to eat.
The thing is that because of their small size, people who love them seldom realise that they have overdosed until it’s too late.
They just keep popping these byte-sized heat-balls into their system one after another with little motivation to stop.
They usually only find out when feeling sick after waking up in the morning after.
It is almost guaranteed that unless you are gifted with a world-class metabolism, you would fall sick from the heatiness if you consume half a kilo of longans and a whole durian. Black thorn or not.
Don’t be astonished to get a nosebleed halfway into eating them.
9) Any other foodstuff considered to be very heaty
It’s not surprising that we keep revisiting the yin-yang concept of heaty and cooly food on this subject.
After all, durians are native to Asia, especially southeast Asia. These are regions with a high population of Chinese and people of Chinese descent.
If you are ever in doubt as to whether a particular food item would be a bad combination with durians, then consider if it is a highly heaty food.
If it is, then it would be wise to avoid. I believe Confucius would give the same advice.