Vanilla Durian Shake Recipe
The shake is one of the most luscious beverage that one can be guilty of overdosing.
This is assuming that your jaw will not feel sore from sucking the thick creaminess through the straw and into the mouth.
It is no surprise that this drink has been experimented by many creative minds to life the drinking experience up a notch or two.
Some of the popular favorites are with flavours like malt, vanilla, milk, chocolate, strawberry, etc.
How about combining one of the all-time favorites of vanilla with durian?
Ingredients for vanilla durian shake
- 4 scoops of vanilla ice-cream
- 150ml of fresh full-cream milk
- 4 tablespoons of durian filling
- 1 glass of ice cubes
Blend all of the above ingredients in a blender. Store in refrigerator. And serve the milkshake as you like.
Depending on your taste preferences, you might also want to experiment with adding some other flavours like caramel or cocoa to create a more diverse and complex taste.